Monday, January 3, 2011

One Of These Days -

In the story "One Of These Days" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The story is about a dentist who doesn't want to fix the mayor's teeth. But he does, yet the mayor us very rude and has no manners at all. But no matter what, the dentist is very nice and pulls out his teeth.

  In the story "One Of These Days" the main conflict was about the dentist , he didn't want to pull out the mayor's tooth. Rising actions towards this was when the dentist said, "Tell him I'm not here." [p.1] See this means he didn't want the dentist in his dentist, They mayor goes to the dentist office anyway. The climax was when the mayor got his tooth pulled out, but acted very rude ! Lastly, the falling actions was when the dentist asked where to send the bill. But the mayor was rude and responded "It' the same damn thing,"  Talk about rude people.

  The story was mainly based around the way the mayor and dentist acted. The mayor was very rude yet the dentist was calm and "Nice". Both characters could have learned something from each other, But in the end the mayor just walked out and made a "smart remark".

  The story caught my attention because I thought it was a cool story. After I read the story I realized the dentist should have never pulled the mayor's tooth out. The mayor wasn't thankful , and he was rude ! My point of view was different from the story, I think the story should have explained more traits of the characters. Also more of their daily life routine.

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