Tuesday, December 7, 2010


  The story "Charles" by Shirley Jackson. Is about a little boy who lies about school. He made up an imaginary character that he can relate himself to, but not tell that to his parents. He made up an imaginary character so his parents won't get mad at him, so he tells them many things "Charles" did. But it was actually himself.

  The story takes place in many different themes, You can relate this story to Character vs Character, when "Charles" gets himself in trouble to get attentions. or Character vs Parent, when Laurie's mom speaks to him about "Charles". The narrator of this story is the little boy ([Laurie]), The plot starts off when Laurie comes home from school. He begins to tell his parents about a boy names Charles. (p.1) " The third day, Charles bounced a seesaw onto the head of a little girl. He made her bleed. The teacher made him stay inside during recess." As you can see from this quote Laurie is telling his parents how "Charles" did that to a girl, but in all reality it was Laurie himself who did that to a girl. I think the author "zooms in" on the next parts, when he begins to tell a new story everyday about this Charles boy.

  The ending of this story ends up, by Laurie's mother going to Laurie's school for parent teacher conference. At the conference Laurie's mom begins to speak about Charles, When she then comes to find that their isn't any Charles. (p.2) "You must have your hands full with Charles. Charles ? she said , we don't have any Charles in kindergarten."As you can see from this quotes, Laurie's mom finds out that there isn't any Charles. So if you can conclude everything Laurie has been saying. It all relates back to him, he was the one misbehaving in school. But he made up "Charles" to hide it.

  Laurie made "Charles" up maybe to get attention from his peers, or maybe just to misbehave. Because he did lie a lot and personally I think he should of just came forward and told his mother. But this isn't rare because many kids under second grade lie, they think its okay ? and they do it for attention. But Laurie lied a lot, and misbehaved a lot. I wonder why the school didn't call his parents in soon ? Why did the teacher wait for parent teacher conferences ? This is all my opinion on the story "Charles" by Shirley Jackson.

1 comment:

  1. I think the response was interesting and well written. You really gave good inside thoughts and examples that explain the story well. You also did good with adding in the elements of the story. I thought you did a great job!!
