Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eyes And Teeth ,

 In the story "Eyes and Teeth", Their's a character named Buzz, he's dark skin. Yet his mother doesn't like him because he's dark skin. She thinks dark skin people are ugly. This story is a little racist because the main characters mom, doesn't like him because of his skin color Buzz's mom is "black" too, they are a poor family with Rats in their house. Buzz suffers a lot just because of his skin color, he always gets talked about, his own family talks about him. Also he is very miserable. But in the end it all works out for the best.

    This story has many themes, One of the themes of this story is personality. At beginning of the story Buzz says how much he likes to be around the girl. It’s also personality because when Buzz hears his own mom say bad things about him he starts to change and act different, It’s also personality because when Buzz hears two conversation between his mom and the girl’s mom he reacts to it in a angry mood and very sad mood. This is when he really starts to change, and feels very miserable. 

 Another theme that goes with the story is racism.  This theme is another theme that can be found in the story.  When Buzz’s mother says “ I can’t stand to look at nothings but black”. This shows that his own mom is being racist against Buzz. Yet his own mom is also "black", but she just doesn't like Buzz ((her own son)) because he's very dark skin. When Buzz hears that he su changes and thinks that his mother is being racist to his color and how he looks. When Buzz hears this he feels very sad, and miserable. Then he starts to doubt and feel uncomfortable about himself, all because of the things his mom says.

    In conclusion to the story is after he hears the conversation between his mom and the girl’s mom he goes away for twenty years. The no one sees him for that tine. Until he comes back to go to his moms funeral , and when he was younger his mom always thought he was going to be unsuccessful with his life. But he returns to his moms funeral with his beautiful wife and two babies. He is also very wealthy, and you can say everyone was jealous of him. 


Bastard Out Of Carolina

Bastard "Bastard Out Of Carolina" is a story about a girl who stole candy from a store and her mom forces her to return the candy. The mom is very disapointed by her daughter, she never wanted her to be a shoplifter. So the mom forces her daughter to go back to the store and return the candy. When they return to the store they get an unprepared for action from the guy that was in the store. This action connects to the theme, plot and conflict. This is a very big turning point that puts a huge click on the whole story.

    In the story the main characters feels an uncomfortable feeling after she steals candy from a store. But not quickly after she steals the candy, she gets this feeling when she takes it back and the old man in the store says and does bad things to the girl.This connects to the theme because a couple of themes in the story that always shows up about how it uncomfortable feelings and hate. This is how the theme in the story connects to the main characters feelings. 

    The conflict in the story reaches a turning point when it changes from the main character stealing the candy to when the old man tries to make sexual moves on the young girl. This is when the girl began to hate and feel uncomfortable around the man in the story. The clues are when the old man says "Don't cry, honey. It'll be all right. We'll take care of it, it'll be alright". As you can see he's talking to her very sweetly, and he knees down and holds her shoulder. The main character feelings very uncomfortable, and just cries. 

    The conflict of the story is that the girl stole candy from the store, and her mom made her return it to the store. The little girl felt very bad because she didn't want her mom to find out and feel bad. But it was too late, the mom found out and was very mad at her daughter. So the only right thing the mom suggested was to returned the candy to the store. That's when the old man who worked at the store tries to make sexual moves at her. Then the mom notices and just looks at her daughter, and soon after they both feel very weird.

    Most of the whole entire story revolves around when the girl and her mother take back the stolen candy. Because that's when all the weird tense starts to form, and all the weird conversation forms. Then at the end the little girl is banned from the store, until the mom says it's ok for her to go back to the store. This is mainly the theme,and it's also the turning point of the story.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stop The Sun By Gary Paulsen

  In the story "Stop The Sun" by Gary Paulsen. It's a story about a boy who's father had has a veteran syndrome. The boy is extremely  embarrassed by his dad, bu the finally finds out why his dad does weird things. Then the boy soon doesn't feel as  embarrassed by his dad. The main character learns a lot after he really has a talk with his dad, the boy acts by what is on his mind. He doesnt really think of the things he does before he does it.

 In the beginning of the story the boy is embarrassed by his dad. "His father was squirmming across the floor on his stomach, he was crying" (P.2) .This shows the boy is embarrassed because he thought he wanted to walk away fast but he didn't. He helped his father up, a lot of events had happened like this, But the conflict reaches a turning point when he actually starts to feel bad for his dad. After he learns what his dad has ((Veteran Syndrome)).

 Towards the middle of the story the boy began to learn, why his dad was acting like he was. Then at the end they have a conversation about his dad's Veteran Syndrome. Then the boy feels bad for being embarrassed of his dad. This story connects to theme of "Man Versus society" because whenever something went wrong with his dad, a crowd will be around him. "Terry squeezed through the crowd until he got to the front." (P.2). This connects to "Man Versus Society" being that everyone just watched/ laughed no one cared about the dad having a Syndrome. They all just thought he was weird !

 The point of view of this story is by the First person and Third person. First person because the dad has his own thoughts and feelings towards his Veteran Syndrome. Then he has to go out to the world and see what everyone is saying about him. This also connects to the Third person because it has the perspective of his son's idea, and the boy has his own thoughts towards his dad's Veteran Syndrome.

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